Art by Jingo de la Rosa

Join us at the Indiana State Library when Indiana’s best established and emerging writers will meet for a full day of classes on the writing craft. Featuring a keynote address and a poetry breakout session from Indiana Poet Laureate, Curtis Crisler. 其他分组讨论包括诗歌, fiction, creative nonfiction, 社交媒体为作家和更多的呈现 Barbara Shoup, Jill Christman, Jackie Rodriguez, Natalie Solmer, Sarah Layden, Manòn Voice, and Terry Kirts. 你会充满灵感地离开, armed with writing drafts ripe for experimentation—along with a hundred other writers who feel the same way.

Purchase tickets here!


Curtis L. Crisler 在印第安纳州的加里出生长大. 克里斯勒是一位屡获殊荣的诗人兼作家,
有一本新书叫《在中西部如何去爱. He has six poetry books,
两本青少年读物,五本诗歌小册子. 他的作品在各种杂志上发表过,
journals, and anthologies. 他是美国博物馆诗歌部的联合编辑. He created the
印地安那·奇德林电路和一种叫做十四行诗的诗歌形式. He’s the Indiana Poet Laureate
普渡大学韦恩堡分校(PFW)英语教授. He can be contacted at

Keynote address: “Finding Your Voice:

Class Description:


We will create epistolary-prose poems that make a reader unable to evade them because you have established your voice through tone and atmosphere, 推动写作(使用5种感官属性), word choices, syntax, and style) to your advantage. These epistolary-prose poems, you are writing to another person (character). With that, 它们对叙述者的发展有很大的帮助, 我相信这对建立叙述者是很有用的
使用研究和想象力的页面. I will supply samples of poems for the group to view and discuss as we deal with the elements in the poems that address the prior-mentioned reasons for the master class.

Jill Christman is the author of 如果这是小说:散文中的爱情故事 (2023年印度银奖)和两部回忆录, Darkroom: A Family Exposure (CNF AWP奖得主)和 借来的婴儿:当母亲的学徒. 她的文章曾出现在许多选集和杂志上,如 Brevity, 创意非小说类,第四体裁, 《铁马文学评论》,longgreads, The Rumpus, and O, The Oprah Magazine. A 2020 NEA Literature Fellow, she teaches at Ball State University where she is a senior editor of 河牙:非虚构叙事杂志 and Beautiful Things. Visit her at,,以及以前被称为Twitter @jill_christman的网站.

Class Description:

Beautiful Things: Writing & Publishing Miniature Essays

In this nonfiction session, we’ll look at a handful of published examples from Beautiful Things (River Teeths weekly online magazine of micro essays) and think about specific strategies we can play with as writers to identify the images, locate the voice, build the structures, and sculpt the language that will help us to craft our own real-life material into miniature essays that “[magnify] some small aspect of what it means to be human” (Bernard Cooper). We’ll reserve time at the end for some publishing tips specific to short nonfiction from essayist, teacher, and editor Jill Christman.

Sarah Layden is the author of Imagine Your Life Like This, stories; Trip Through Your Wires, a noveland 我告诉自己关于自己的故事, 桑德出版社手册竞赛的优胜者. 她与Bryan Furuness合著 文学编辑的无形艺术. Her short fiction appears in Boston Review, Booth, Blackbird, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, Best Microfiction 2020以及其他地方最近出版的非虚构类书籍 The Washington PostPoets & WritersSalonThe Millions, and River Teeth. She is an Associate Professor of English at Indiana University Indianapolis, 她在哪里担任指导老师 genesis,校园文艺杂志.

Class Description:

Many writers want to incorporate research into their work, be it creative nonfiction or fiction. In a seemingly limitless digital world coupled with undigitized paper archives, where to start? 我们究竟希望找到什么?我们将如何利用它? This session will help writers think creatively about brainstorming and using sources, 以及用事实材料建立权威. 我们将专注于自己好奇和痴迷的领域, 并考虑研究如何能拓宽和扩展我们的工作. 这节课的重点是散文写作, but poets are always welcome, 资源和例子将跨多种类型提供.

Barbara Shoup is the author of eight novels for adults and young adults, most recently An American Tune and Looking for Jack Kerouac,以及一本关于写作的回忆录, A Commotion in Your Heart, and Novel Ideas: 当代作家分享创作过程. Shoup is the Writer-in-Residence at the Indiana Writers Center and a faculty member at Art Workshop International, in Assisi Italy. 她主持了Substack时事通讯《十大最好的网赌平台》. A new YA, About Grace, 2024年将由卡伦西亚出版社出版.

Class Description:


Whether you choose the point of view(s) of a story or the point of view chooses you, getting it right depends on why the story is best told through the eyes of the character(s) you choose, 是什么把他们带到故事开始的那一刻, 他们是如何讲述故事的. This session will address the basics of point of view in fiction and consider how elements like dialogue, voice, place, and the very specific details of characters’ lives blend to convey where they stand in the world of the story and why, 以及他们的可信度. 那些写回忆录的人也会发现这个课程很有用.

Natalie Solmer was born and raised in South Bend, Indiana, a grandchild of immigrants from Eastern Europe. She is a former horticulturalist and florist who now teaches writing at Ivy Tech Community College as an Associate Professor of English. 她也是网站的创始人和主编 The Indianapolis Review. 她的诗歌在《十大网赌平台推荐》等杂志上广泛发表 Colorado Review, North American Review, Notre Dame Review, and Pleiades. 她的视觉诗歌和艺术作品曾发表在 Harbor Review, Ethel, 一直在谈论草莓, and Yes, Poetry. Her debut book of poems, Water Castle该书将于2024年秋季由Kelsay Books出版. 

Class Description:

What Is Visual Poetry? 在你的创作过程中探索艺术+文本

In this workshop, 我们将学习视觉诗歌的体裁, 或者有些人称之为图形文学. This category is vast and includes many variations of visual art combined with text. 在看完这些令人兴奋的表格之后, we’ll create our own pieces, 将研讨会的重点放在文学拼贴上.

Jackie Rodriguez 是Lumbre Media(发音为loom-bray)的创始人兼CEO。, a bilingual creative agency based in Indianapolis specializing in social media marketing. Lumbre Media is dedicated to providing nonprofits and mission-driven brands with comprehensive marketing solutions, including strategy development, content creation, and implementation.
Jackie有近十年的行业经验, having worked for local and state-wide-serving nonprofits such as Indiana Humanities, Immigrant Welcome Center, and Indiana Health Centers. 她是印第中心1828领导力项目的校友, an inaugural member of the International Center’s Jim Morris Global Leadership Series, 并且是2021年值得关注的Indy Maven女性.

Class Description:

This workshop aims to equip writers with the tools and strategies to effectively use social media to build their personal brand, engage with their audience, and promote their work. 会议将涵盖关键平台, content strategies, 以及为文学界量身定制的最佳实践.

Manòn Voice is a native of Indianapolis, Indiana, 诗人兼作家, 口语艺术家和电影制作人, actor, Hip-Hop emcee, educator, and community builder. The spirit of her work finds its niche at the intersection of arts and activism. She serves in the Jordan College of Arts School of Music at Butler University as a Hip-Hop Music, History, and Culture Lecturer. She has performed on diverse stages across the country in the power of the word and has taught and facilitated writing and poetry workshops widely. 2018年,Manòn获得了手推车诗歌奖的提名. 她的诗发表在《十大最好的网赌平台》上, The Indianapolis Review, 住宅生活项目:人+物业系列, Sidepiece Magazine, 我们生活的世界(d)选集, The Indianapolis Anthology, 弹性未来的问题, 《十大网赌平台推荐》. 她曾出现在Indy NUVO等出版物上, The Indianapolis Recorder, Indianapolis Monthly, The Indianapolis Star, FAFCollective, Pattern Magazine, Sidepiece Magazine, and more.

Class Description:


Explore the powerful intersection of poetry and activism in this workshop designed for reflecting on and utilizing the art of poetry as a tool for social change. 这门课将深入探讨诗歌如何成为对话的催化剂, reflection, 以及社区内外的转变. Examine historical and contemporary examples of poets who have used their craft to address social issues, raise awareness, and inspire action. Explore various forms and techniques that enhance the impact of poetic activism, including narrative, spoken word, and performance poetry. 了解诗歌如何成为正义运动的推动力, equality, and human rights, and, participate in guided writing exercises designed to inspire and refine your voice as a poet-activist.

A senior lecturer in creative writing at Indiana University-Indianapolis, Terry Kirts is the author of To the Refrigerator Gods这本书于2010年由Seven Kitchens出版社出版. 他的诗歌和散文曾在 Alimentum, Another Chicago Magazine, Boog City, Gastronomica, Green Mountains Review, Porridge, and Presence, and the anthologies Food Poems, St. Peter’s B-list, and others. His culinary articles reviews appear widely, and he is the dining critic for Indianapolis Monthly ( He is currently working on a collection of essays and recipes about immigrant food in the Midwest.

Class Description:
Telling Stories Through Food
你要不要开始写回忆录, explore your family culture, 或者在小说或诗歌中讲述丰富的故事, food has long been one of the richest vehicles for tapping into literary stories. From poems evoking delicious dishes or memories of cooking with a loved one to stories set in kitchens or restaurants to essays and full-length food memoirs, 烹饪故事一定会吸引读者的感官和记忆, 也为人类的经验提供了隐喻和类比. Come hungry, 我们将探索各种食物的使用方法, from literary journalism and restaurant reviews to lyrical essays to poetry that simmers and sizzles off the page.